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Minimum wage
in China.



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What is the minimum wage in China per hour?

In China, the minimum wage an employee can earn depends on the province. For example, in Shanghai you can expect minimum wage to be around RMB 16/hour. Whereas in Beijing is can be RMB 26.4/hour. Beijing is the highest hourly minimum wage in China.

Are there regional variations in China minimum wage?

Minimum wage in China has large regional variations. As stated above, Beijing is the highest hourly minimum wage at RMB 25/hour. Provinces like Anhui, Hainan, Hunan and Liaoning can have minimum wage at RMB 12/hour or even less.

How has minimum wage in China changed in the last 5 years and beyond?

In 2022, the average minimum wage across the Provinces in China was RMB 16/hour.

DateMin. wage, hourly  rate (RMB)
2021RMB 16 (no change from 2021 to 2022).
2020RMB 15.5
2019RMB 15.5 (no change from 2019 to 2020)
2018RMB 15
2017RMB 14

In the past five years China’s minimum wage has increased by RMB 2/hour. In addition, it is important to note that in 2012 average minimum wage across China was RMB 9/hour. In ten year China’s minimum wage has increased a by RMB 7/hour. A significant change.

How does the minimum wage in China compare to surrounding countries?

China is bordered by 14 countries with various minimum wage standards. Below is a list of minimum wage standards of 5 bordering countries all converted to USD.

China’s minimum wage when converted to USD is $2.30.

  • Mongolia – USD $0.75
  • India – USD $0.40
  • Pakistan – USD $0.70
  • Vietnam – USD $1.10
  • Russia – USD $1.40

Is there a different minimum wage for expats in China?

In China, there is no difference in legal minimum wage for foreigners.

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Your business can easily hire employees in China without opening a local entity. We handle local employment law, complex tax regulations, and international payroll in 180+ countries worldwide. All you need to do is focus on your business.


The median salary averaged across the regions in China works out to be around RMB 47/hour. Considering the minimum wage in China is on average RMB 16/hour the gap is RMB 31/hour.

In China, it will be difficult to hire skilled employees close to the minimum wage. University educated candidates will expect a wage close to the national median salary, and if you are hiring in Beijing, it is likely the candidate will expect higher than the national median salary.

Looking into certain provinces or cities can help you save money and still have the capability to hire skilled employees in China closer to the minimum wage. However, come to expect to pay around the average of RMB 47/hour or USD $6.80.

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